16 January 2012

Who Knew?

Hey, look!  I have a blog!


achilles3 said...

i did!!!

Jes said...

ACHILLES!! Holy shit I miss you!

achilles3 said...

if you promise to check your email I have some good stories to tell:-)

Jes said...

I promise! jesteisher@hotmail.com

Also, I think about your Superman story a lot. I miss your stories and poems and your achilles-ness. <3

Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

Hey, look! I have a blog!

You do? Where is it? Because I found this, your online post-it note site (I assume), but not something that would qualify as a full-blown blog.

[Unsolicited advice: Never blow a blog fully. It will never call you in the morning if you do.]

achilles3 said...

as i suspected you obviously haven't read your email if what I said gave no impetus fro reply!!!